Improv 5a: Follow The Fear
Six Week Course | Adults Only (18+)
Scared? Good, then sign up for this class! The minute we step out of our comfort zone, true learning begins. Stretch yourself in this class by getting individualized feedback on patterns in your play, while trying on some scary new challenges. Get to know your inner critic, and find strategies to decrease its power over you. Find strength in vulnerability, trusting your fellow players, and taking physical risks. We double dog dare you!
Prerequisite: Improv 4: Top of Your Intelligence
Schedule: 6 sessions (once a week for 6 weeks)
Class Length: 2.5 hours (15 hours total)
Class Size: 12-18
Tuition: $279/$259 Early Bird Registration
Upcoming “Improv 5a Follow The Fear” courses:
***Access code from previous instructor needed for registration.***
Register: Coming soon!
Day/Time: TBA
Dates: 2024
Instructor: Jill Eickmann
Tuition: $279/$259 Early Bird Registration
Location: Raleigh, NC
(Please note that all sales are final. No refunds, exchanges, or transfers. We will NOT respond to refund, exchange, or transfer requests.)