Improv 2: Authentic Relationships
Six Week Course | Adults Only (18+)
The foundation of great improvisation is the two person scene. Both in life and improv, Leela believes authentic relationships are crucial to connected co-creation. Through acting exercises focused on wants/objectives, specificity, and emotional receptivity, you’ll tap into moment-to-moment play with your scene partner, and develop hyper multi-sensory awareness.
(Please note that all sales are final. By enrolling, you commit to your growth and engagement in the course. We believe in the value of what we offer and trust that you will too.)
Prerequisite: Improv 1: Let’s Play!
Schedule: 6 sessions (once a week for 6 weeks)
Class Length: 2.5 hours (15 hours total)
Class Size: 12-18
Tuition: $279/$259 Early Bird Registration
Upcoming “Improv 2: Authentic Relationships” courses:
(Please scroll down for all available sections.)
***Access code from previous instructor needed for registration.***
Register: SIGN UP NOW!
Day/Time: Tuesdays, from 7:00 – 9:30 PM
Dates: 3/11, 3/18, 3/25, (no class 4/1), 4/8, 4/15, 4/22 (2025)
Instructor: Jill Eickmann
Tuition: $279/$259 Early Bird Registration
Location: Raleigh Founded (North St), 509 W North St, Raleigh, NC 27603
Parking: We recommend FREE street parking on N Boylan Ave
Please enter through the back entrance on W Lane St (behind Tin Roof) and arrive 15 minutes before the class start time.